• Types of Business Insurance - Arthur Blake Insurance

Business insurance can be challenging to find because it can be challenging to choose what’s covered and what’s not, how much you want to spend, etc. Multiple types of business insurance cover various things. This is good because you can choose to cover some things, but not all, or choose to cover everything with multiple types of policies. Whether you’re pocketing the money at the end of the day, the following types of insurance will protect your company’s assets in an incident. 

General Liability

This type of insurance is exactly what it sounds like, general coverage. This insurance is usually added to a business owner’s policy or BOP. Overall, it protects your company from lawsuits and claims from people outside of your company. Every business owner should consider adding to their BOP if it’s not already included. 

Commercial Property 

Another component of your business owner’s policy would be commercial property insurance. This insurance pays out if there should be damage or loss to physical property. This includes things like a business building or business vehicle. You can add additional coverage for other items for an additional fee if your industry has a higher risk of damage. 

Workers’ Comp

Workers’ compensation insurance is a term most people are familiar with. This coverage will protect you from lawsuits and claims resulting from employees’ injuries that occurred at work or due to their nature of work. 

Business Identity

Identity theft doesn’t just occur to human beings. People steal business identities too. If your business identity were stolen, business identity insurance would help you recover your losses. Additionally, it can repair your business credit profile and help you improve your business reputation. 

Key Person Insurance

Suppose you, as the owner or another key person such as a partner, become unable to work. In that case, key person insurance guarantees you the ability to pay for lost income, look for a temporary replacement, or cover similar expenses related to the loss of a core business leader. This way, you don’t lose precious time and money if you or your partner are out of commission.


These are not all types of business insurance out there, so if you haven’t read about the coverage you’re looking for, contact Arthur Blake Insurance today! We can discuss more types of business insurance with you to find what you’re looking for.